Happy New Week! I hope that everyone is able to see the blessings around you...even if times are really hard right now... you are breathing, that is a blessing! Praise Him for it!! I'm praising Him that you are breathing! hee hee--I know you must think I'm off my rocker by now. Yes, a bit..but mostly just sleep deprived I think!
Ok...so here is the scoop! I have had this song going thru my head all day today, right??? "Oh how He loves you..." --I believe the real name of it is the Saviours Love Song...that is a HUGE maybe. And I don't know who really sings it. Just love that song! Anyway...so I've been making some changes here and there on my blog...and I'm still not quite sure exactly when this happened, but now the name of my blog is showing up as "oh how He loves you....." !!!! Coeenkeedeenk??? I think not. Most people don't know that la femme de Dieu means "woman of God".... but "oh how He loves you....." that just goes right out there and just says exactly what I want everybody reading any part of my blog to know!! Don't you love it???? God is just so incredible!! He amazes me more and more each day!!
Thank you precious Lord for changing the name of my blog to Your preference!!! I love it!! Can't wait to share this story with others tomorrow when they are awake!! Just another "God thang", you know!
Hugs and kisses all around......have to be at an appointment (showered and shampooed and fed and watered and walked) in a mere 7 hours. Takes almost 45 minutes to get there without traffic or construction. And I really must sleep and eat sometime in there. (I know, such bad habits I've picked up-sleeping and eating. I really could get so much more done if I didn't have to do either of those!
Please pray for RoseFlower. She is processing so much right now. It is part of the healing process..you have to go straight thru it. It can't be skipped or brushed away or lightly treaded on. Like my mom says that sometimes you just have to put on your army boots and go in and take care of business. RoseFlower is having to do just that. Many more memories are surfacing that are everso painful and ugly and hideous. But the stinky toads are finally coming out! Praise the Lord!!! So more true deep healing can take place...where it wasn't possible before. She just wasn't ready yet. The devil is prowling around our house....he is not happy that she is beginning to heal more. He is very much trying to stir the pot up around here..any and every way he can. Please pray for my parents and my daughter and myself. God is so incredible and in control!! He can move mountains!! He has already shown us that!!!
Thank you so very much! And I am still praying for you....even though I don't know you....and nobody is even reading this yet.... I know that one day somebody will. And that is who I am praying for!!! You! God knows your name, the number of hairs you have on your head..your thoughts, your habits.... and He loves you so much!!!! Please remember that no matter what has happened in your life, what is going on right now, whatever you may have done...anything..... He loves you.
ok....seriously must sleep now.
hugs and kisses all around again....
MamaRose >>
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