Sunday, August 29, 2010

Art and Soul

Yes, I've been very busy taking care of my precious RoseFlower.  She got home from the hospital on July 12.  God is so wonderful!  He is working mightily in her life (in all of our lives) right now.  Praise His Holy Name!!  Amen!!

We are going thru the white waters of more healing, once again.  My precious RoseFlower has a new therapist that is fabulous.  God placed RoseFlower directly in her new therapist's lap.  I am sure of that.  New therapist has over 30 years experience working in exactly what RoseFlower needs help with right now!  Isn't God just AMAZING???!!!!?!?!?!?!

So we have been working on art as much as possible.  The colors, patterns, textures, designs.... these can all express so many things where words fail.  Then when you add Bible verses to your artwork...well now, that just sweetens the cupcake even more, now doesn't it???  Hopefully soon, I will be able to post some of our work.  Not that our work is anything spectacular or is heartfelt and healing to our souls..if it could possibly maybe touch one other person... that would be wonderful.  Just sharing God's love.

Must get some sleep.  Please know I am still praying for you.  Yeah, I know....even though I don't know you!
xoxoxoxo  MamaRose

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