Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Friday and a TEST....

Yes, it is Friday!  This is a good thing!  A very good thing, Martha! (Stewart, that is)  Do you ever feel like you could sleep about 3 months straight??  I feel like that right now.  So many things on my mind, you know??

Okay, please stand by for a test from your new blogger who is learning how to upload pics to her blog.  Remember this is only a test.....

Please remember this was only a test.  If this had been a real downloading of a picture, your new learning how to do things blogger would have been able to do it much quicker and using the photobucket account that she set up especially for this test.  But it is okay.....the very unusual snow in Texas picture is posted in the blog!

Now I definitely need a nap.


Wendy said...
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Wendy said...

WOOOO HOOOOO !!!!!! It works!!!! okay, now I can eat a late lunch so I won't pass out while I am cooking dinner in about an hour! ;)

Wendy said...

When every day seems the same, it is because we have stopped noticing the good things that appear in our lives (The Alchemist)