Sunday, September 12, 2010

Once more with feeling.....

So I'm holding my breath over here!!  It looks like this time more pictures actually truly made it to where they were supposed to!  Hooray!!!

Okay....  now...  I have used lots of images from lots of wonderful people!  Art Chix paper dolls and collage sheets, various scrapbook papers from Michael's and Hobby Lobby and who knows where else, images from Teesha Moore collage sheets and borders, pics cut out from various magazines dating back probly 5 years, images from the free/royalty free images many places, I'm sure that I am forgetting some.  Oh yes, and people put together from circulars that come in the Sunday paper adverts from department stores advertising clothes, jewelry, etc.

I will post more soon, now that I think I've figured out the magic answer!!  (hint:  you have to hold your mouth a certain way, stand on your left foot, and hum a certain Beatles song backwards.....)

Love and hugs all around,

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