Saturday, March 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hello! If you haven't seen the movie, "Giant", with Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean and many other wonderful really are missing a treat! It is on tv right now. One of my favorites! And it is about Texas! Can't beat that with a stick! It is a very long movie (around 4 hours), but oh so good! And very, very worth it!!
By the time you are into the movie 30 minutes, you are hooked. All the characters feel like family! This is a multi-generational movie that just gets better every time you see it!
Oh, and it is in color, even though this movie poster I have on the left doesn't look like it. Definitely gives you the feel of a hot hot hot day in Texas!! Whew! Better have some iced tea on hand when you watch it!
Take care! Hugs......
By the time you are into the movie 30 minutes, you are hooked. All the characters feel like family! This is a multi-generational movie that just gets better every time you see it!
Oh, and it is in color, even though this movie poster I have on the left doesn't look like it. Definitely gives you the feel of a hot hot hot day in Texas!! Whew! Better have some iced tea on hand when you watch it!
Take care! Hugs......
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Jesus in Every Book
Hello, I'm so excited about this. First I must say that this list is from , which is a fabulous website regarding homeschooling and teaching your child and "igniting that spark" in your child for her (or him) to love to learn, to want to learn more about everything in the world... for the love to come from within the child, not to beat the child over the head with books so to say...but for the child to crave learning about the world about her (or him), to be curious and fascinated with everything.
This portion that I am going to share with you is so exciting. It is talking about finding Jesus in every book of the Bible. Talking about making a Bible notebook... I must confess that just talking about making notebooks makes my heart beat faster... The Bible notebook that I am making right now is a combination of a couple of ideas I have read about.
First, I am working on having a divider with each book of the Bible listed on it. So whenever I am in church and hear something special in a sermon from a particular book in the Bible, I take notes in church, then come home and put the notes in that section. Or if I am just studying on my own, I can write the notes in that section.
Next, I have ABC dividers. Now when I am doing my daily Bible readings, whenever I come across a verse that talks about God, or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit...a particular characteristic or action ... say for instance in Psalm 107:13, "Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress." from that we see that the Lord delivers, right?? So I would go to my D tabbie and then copy Psalm 107:13, write out that verse. (D for delivers)
Okay, now here is this really cool part. Jesus is mentioned in every book of the Bible. He was with God when they created Earth and man....the three and one...trilogy--Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Okay..... so here is a list (from the website mentioned above) that is so very wonderful--- it shows Jesus' relationship in every book of the Bible.
■Genesis---He is the Creator God
■Exodus---He is the Redemmer
■Leviticus---He is your sanctification
■Numbers---He is your guide
■Deuteronomy---He is your teacher
■Joshua---He is the Mighty Conqueror
■Judges---He gives victory over enemies
■Ruth---He is your kinsman, your lover, your redeemer
■1 Samuel---He is the root of Jesse
■2 Samuel---He is the Son of David
■1 Kings and 2 Kings---He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
■1st and 2nd Chronicles---He is your intercessor and High Priest
■Ezra---He is your temple, your house of worship
■Nehemiah---He is your mighty wall, protecting you from your enemies
■Esther---He stands in the gap to deliver you from your enemies
■Job---He is the arbitrator who not only understands your struggles, but has the power to do something about them.
■Psalms---He is your song and your reason to sing.
■Proverbs---He is your wisdome, helping you make sense of life and live it successfully.
■Ecclesiastes---He is your purpose, delivery you from vanity
■Song of Solomon---He is your lover, your Rose of Sharon
■Isaiah---He is the mighty counselor, the prince of peace, the everlasting father, and more. In short, he is everything you need.
■Jeremiah---He is your balm of Gilead, the soothing salve for your sin-sick soul.
■Lamentations---He is the ever-faithful one upon whom you can depend.
■Ezekiel---He is your wheel int he middle of a wheel, the one who assures that dry dead bones will come alive again.
■Daniel---He is the ancient of days, the everlasting God who never runs out of time
■Hosea---He is your faithful lover, always beckoning you to come back, even when you have abandoned Him
■Joel---He is your refuge, keeping you safe in times of trouble.
■Amos---He is the husbandman, the one you can depend on to stay by your side.
■Obadiah---He is Lord of the Kingdom
■Jonah---He is your salvation, bringing you back within His will.
■Micah---He is judge of the nation
■Nahum---He is the jealous God
■Habakkuk---He is the Holy One
■Zephaniah---He is the witness
■Haggai---He overthrows the enemies
■Zechariah---He is Lord of Hosts
■Malachi---He is Merciful
■Matthew--He is king of the Jews
■Mark---He is the servant
■Luke---He is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel
■John---He is the Son of God
■Acts---He is Saviour of world.
■Romans---He is the righteousness of God
■1 Corinthians---He is the rock that followed Israel
■II Corinthians---He is the triumphant one, giving victory
■Galatians---He is your liberty, he sets you free
■Ephesians---He is head of the Church
■Philippians---He is your joy
■Colossians---He is your completeness
■1 Thessalonians---He is your hope
■11 Thessalonians---He is your hope
■1 Timothy---He is your fatih
■11Timothy---He is your stability
■Titus---He is your instructor
■Philemon---He is your benefactor
■Hebrews---He is your perfection
■James---He is the power behind your faith
■1 Peter---He is your example
■11Peter---He is your purity
■1 John---He is your life
■11 John---He is your pattern
■111 John---He is your motivation
■Jude---He is the foundation of your faith.
■Revelation---He is your coming King. From the beginning of the world to its end, there is no place you can look and not see jesus. He is everywhere. He is everything. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together (Colossians 1:17)
Wanted to share this...had to share this. I did add in Titus, as this was not in the list, and I filled in 2 Thess as it was blank. Just so you know.
I have written these down in my Bible at the beginning of each book. Except I have personalized them a bit. Like for Leviticus, instead of, "He is your sanctification".. I have written, "He is my sanctification".
May God Bless you and keep you, may God make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
I'm praying for you! Praying that you feel the Lord's peace surrounding you, upholding you and giving you strength. It is so hard to get caught up in all of the earthly negativity that is around us everyday, isn't it?? Well for me it is sometimes. I am too much of a sponge! Ha ha...soaking up all the sadness around me, the earthquakes, people hurting financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, people searching...not knowing that Jesus is the only one that can fill that empty place inside of them. I have to stand back...pray.... take a deep breath... remember who I belong to... what my role here is (to love on people and to share God's love).. and to remember that we are all just passing through here! We are just aliens here on earth!! (I'm trying to find that verse--I am thinking maybe in Peter 1 or 2, but my eyes are really tired and blurry right now--I will have to get back with you on that verse--the one about us just passing thru here on earth.)
Ok....I am sending love and prayers and hugs to you all.... Take care...
This portion that I am going to share with you is so exciting. It is talking about finding Jesus in every book of the Bible. Talking about making a Bible notebook... I must confess that just talking about making notebooks makes my heart beat faster... The Bible notebook that I am making right now is a combination of a couple of ideas I have read about.
First, I am working on having a divider with each book of the Bible listed on it. So whenever I am in church and hear something special in a sermon from a particular book in the Bible, I take notes in church, then come home and put the notes in that section. Or if I am just studying on my own, I can write the notes in that section.
Next, I have ABC dividers. Now when I am doing my daily Bible readings, whenever I come across a verse that talks about God, or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit...a particular characteristic or action ... say for instance in Psalm 107:13, "Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress." from that we see that the Lord delivers, right?? So I would go to my D tabbie and then copy Psalm 107:13, write out that verse. (D for delivers)
Okay, now here is this really cool part. Jesus is mentioned in every book of the Bible. He was with God when they created Earth and man....the three and one...trilogy--Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Okay..... so here is a list (from the website mentioned above) that is so very wonderful--- it shows Jesus' relationship in every book of the Bible.
■Genesis---He is the Creator God
■Exodus---He is the Redemmer
■Leviticus---He is your sanctification
■Numbers---He is your guide
■Deuteronomy---He is your teacher
■Joshua---He is the Mighty Conqueror
■Judges---He gives victory over enemies
■Ruth---He is your kinsman, your lover, your redeemer
■1 Samuel---He is the root of Jesse
■2 Samuel---He is the Son of David
■1 Kings and 2 Kings---He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
■1st and 2nd Chronicles---He is your intercessor and High Priest
■Ezra---He is your temple, your house of worship
■Nehemiah---He is your mighty wall, protecting you from your enemies
■Esther---He stands in the gap to deliver you from your enemies
■Job---He is the arbitrator who not only understands your struggles, but has the power to do something about them.
■Psalms---He is your song and your reason to sing.
■Proverbs---He is your wisdome, helping you make sense of life and live it successfully.
■Ecclesiastes---He is your purpose, delivery you from vanity
■Song of Solomon---He is your lover, your Rose of Sharon
■Isaiah---He is the mighty counselor, the prince of peace, the everlasting father, and more. In short, he is everything you need.
■Jeremiah---He is your balm of Gilead, the soothing salve for your sin-sick soul.
■Lamentations---He is the ever-faithful one upon whom you can depend.
■Ezekiel---He is your wheel int he middle of a wheel, the one who assures that dry dead bones will come alive again.
■Daniel---He is the ancient of days, the everlasting God who never runs out of time
■Hosea---He is your faithful lover, always beckoning you to come back, even when you have abandoned Him
■Joel---He is your refuge, keeping you safe in times of trouble.
■Amos---He is the husbandman, the one you can depend on to stay by your side.
■Obadiah---He is Lord of the Kingdom
■Jonah---He is your salvation, bringing you back within His will.
■Micah---He is judge of the nation
■Nahum---He is the jealous God
■Habakkuk---He is the Holy One
■Zephaniah---He is the witness
■Haggai---He overthrows the enemies
■Zechariah---He is Lord of Hosts
■Malachi---He is Merciful
■Matthew--He is king of the Jews
■Mark---He is the servant
■Luke---He is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel
■John---He is the Son of God
■Acts---He is Saviour of world.
■Romans---He is the righteousness of God
■1 Corinthians---He is the rock that followed Israel
■II Corinthians---He is the triumphant one, giving victory
■Galatians---He is your liberty, he sets you free
■Ephesians---He is head of the Church
■Philippians---He is your joy
■Colossians---He is your completeness
■1 Thessalonians---He is your hope
■11 Thessalonians---He is your hope
■1 Timothy---He is your fatih
■11Timothy---He is your stability
■Titus---He is your instructor
■Philemon---He is your benefactor
■Hebrews---He is your perfection
■James---He is the power behind your faith
■1 Peter---He is your example
■11Peter---He is your purity
■1 John---He is your life
■11 John---He is your pattern
■111 John---He is your motivation
■Jude---He is the foundation of your faith.
■Revelation---He is your coming King. From the beginning of the world to its end, there is no place you can look and not see jesus. He is everywhere. He is everything. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together (Colossians 1:17)
Wanted to share this...had to share this. I did add in Titus, as this was not in the list, and I filled in 2 Thess as it was blank. Just so you know.
I have written these down in my Bible at the beginning of each book. Except I have personalized them a bit. Like for Leviticus, instead of, "He is your sanctification".. I have written, "He is my sanctification".
May God Bless you and keep you, may God make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
I'm praying for you! Praying that you feel the Lord's peace surrounding you, upholding you and giving you strength. It is so hard to get caught up in all of the earthly negativity that is around us everyday, isn't it?? Well for me it is sometimes. I am too much of a sponge! Ha ha...soaking up all the sadness around me, the earthquakes, people hurting financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, people searching...not knowing that Jesus is the only one that can fill that empty place inside of them. I have to stand back...pray.... take a deep breath... remember who I belong to... what my role here is (to love on people and to share God's love).. and to remember that we are all just passing through here! We are just aliens here on earth!! (I'm trying to find that verse--I am thinking maybe in Peter 1 or 2, but my eyes are really tired and blurry right now--I will have to get back with you on that verse--the one about us just passing thru here on earth.)
Ok....I am sending love and prayers and hugs to you all.... Take care...
Bible Study Idea,
Ignite the Fire,
I Make War!
Hello Again! Yes, so soon! I know!! I wanted to post that You Tube fantastic video that my daughter's Youth Pastor showed them a couple of weeks ago. I had it at the bottom of my blog, but then I switched everything around. So here it is again!! Enjoy!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Thank you for your patience!!
Hello! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your patience!! I have so many great things in store for you!! Just trying to get everything set up!
We went to eat mexican food out tonight! Yummy! My absolute FAVORITE!! I do believe I could live on it!! I would just get huge and round like Violet in the Willy Wonka movies....but I would be happy!! hee hee hee Yes, they would definitely have to send me to the juicing room! I've got the Ooompa Loompa song going through me head! Ha ha ha!
We went to eat mexican food out tonight! Yummy! My absolute FAVORITE!! I do believe I could live on it!! I would just get huge and round like Violet in the Willy Wonka movies....but I would be happy!! hee hee hee Yes, they would definitely have to send me to the juicing room! I've got the Ooompa Loompa song going through me head! Ha ha ha!
Mexican Food,
Ooompa Loompa,
Thank you,
Willy Wonka
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